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Why Blue Mantis for Platform Engineering?

Industry analysts highlight the productivity enhancements platform engineering can bring across multiple industries. However, as noted by Gartner, the hurdles of funding, scaling, and skill shortages—particularly in Kubernetes—often stifle these initiatives before they can fully demonstrate their value. Blue Mantis designed Platform Engineering to overcome these challenges with a centralized platform engineering solution delivered as a managed service to accelerate innovation, enhance developer velocity, and manage containerized cloud environments with unparalleled ease and security. Whether you want a system built from scratch or need to integrate with Argo CD, Docker, Grafana, Jenkins, Terraform, or more, Blue Mantis Platform Engineering solutions make your internal and/or offshore development teams more efficient and secure.

Benefits of Blue Mantis Platform Engineering

Accelerated Innovation

Empower your DevOps teams with a turnkey platform engineering solution that helps them deliver secure code faster and reduce compliance risks with Git and Kubernetes. 

Increased Developer Velocity

Achieve secure, fast, and easy code deployments across on-prem, multi-cloud, and hybrid cloud to decrease your time to market and code errors. 

Enhanced Security Posture

Simplify all secrets and configurations to reduce risks associated with industry and regulatory compliance.

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Platform Engineering Solution Offerings

Centralized GitOps Platform

Leverage infrastructure as code (IaC) and the power of Git repositories to centralize, automate, and secure your code deployments across geographically-dispersed resources and development teams.

Optimized CI/CD Pipelines

Platform Engineering empowers your dev teams to deliver print-perfect configurations for your CI/CD pipelines and IaC, based on CloudTruth’s unique technology, to streamline your development and deployment processes for an up to 3X gain in velocity.

AI-Powered Multi-Cloud Kubernetes Management

Manage and optimize your Kubernetes containers across multiple clouds with our AIOps solutions, powered by industry-pioneer Nethopper, to gain real-time visibility that simplifies operations and enhances performance.

Get Started Today

Work with our experts and begin your journey to a more secure, compliant, and productive future.

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