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Cloudscape 2022: Digital Readiness: Secure, Automate, Optimize

On-Demand Recordings of our Most Popular Breakout Sessions!

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Digital Readiness Cloudscape logo.

Blue Mantis had another fantastic Cloudscaee thanks to our customers, partners, and presenters! While our largest event of the year is by invite only, below you can find some of our thought-provoking sessions to enjoy on-demand!

From Jails to Kubernetes: The History, Challenges, and Use Cases of Containerization

Learn how containers with open-source Kubernetes can help you optimize your cloud compute resources and significantly reduce your operational expenditures. With orchestrated load balancing, storage, configuration, scalability, and security, you can build an automated, friction-free deployment platform.

Do You Have a Leak? How to Protect Your Data Across Corporate Assets

Learn how to protect your data on corporate devices in the home with approaches from conditional access to data loss prevention to cloud app security brokers. Find out about new, best-of breed technologies that help you lower your security risk while enabling your employees to be more productive.

Building an Information Security Program–What You Need to Know

Safeguard your organization with a robust Information Security Program based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology Cybersecurity Framework (NIST CSF) or the Center for Internet Security’s (CIS 18) Critical Security Controls version 8: two of the most comprehensive standards to improve cybersecurity readiness.

Bandwidth Capacity Planning and Cost Reduction in the Cloud

As applications move onto cloud platforms, organizations typically shell out pay-as-you-go prices which require operating costs to be estimated in advance. Learn how to more accurately plan for and prioritize bandwidth capacity for both Software as a Service (SaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) approaches.

File Server and Storage Modernization: Bridging the Gap Between Traditional On-Premises and Cloud-Native Access-from-Anywhere

Learn how to build hybrid cloud shares without sacrificing on-premises performance; consumption options for Azure Files; SharePoint vs. OneDrive vs. on-premises; new features in Windows 11 + Server 2022 Datacenter for Azure; and how to deploy and use Azure Files / Azure File Sync to support endpoints and workloads.

I Just Got Hit with Ransomware! Now What?

Learn how to build a robust and comprehensive incident response plan based on the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). From tabletop exercises to cyber insurance to public relations, understand the best practices to follow after an attack and how you can minimize the risk of a ransomware scenario before it even happens.

Zero Trust: What It Really Is and How to Continue Your Journey

Zero Trust is a business strategy, not just a technology play; it requires multiple organizational disciplines, approaches, and technologies to be effective. Learn how to unite and share context and vision in your organization in order to harness Zero Trust to reduce risk.

The Security Operations Center of the Future

The security services of the future need to elevate visibility across all DIGITAL and HUMAN assets. Learn about the differences between managing a SOC and SIEM on your own vs. using a managed security service provider and how AI, ML, and automation change how we respond to adversarial threats.

“Digital Front Door” Strategies that Transform the Customer Experience & Drive Growth

Learn how to remain competitive and relevant by making it easier, faster, and more enjoyable to collaborate with customers and colleagues. Plus, learn why now is the perfect time to reevaluate the features and costs of your current UCaaS, CCaaS, or other cloud-based systems.

Are My Cloud Applications and Data Secure?

Understand the most effective ways to minimize your cloud risk and secure your data, applications, and APIs through lessons learned and industry best practices, and how easy it is to build controls and protection that won’t throttle your pace of innovation in the cloud.